Sunday, April 25, 2010

Pitch to Pixel Song Profiles: Queretaro and Mystique

I'm going to cut the song profiles a little short and put the last two tunes in one post. I actually have a new album coming out this week! Yep, that's right, more music! That's just a few weeks after I got done the last album! I'm awesome, right?

Well, no, it is really because it is an unreleased album from 2004. But its really awesome. More on that later.

Anyway, back to Pitch to Pixel. Queretaro is, of course, about the city of the same name in Mexico. I have a bit of history there. My wife spent time there as a college student and we went there together on our "babymoon," a few months before my daughter Helena was born. The song is actually more South American than Mexican, but that's ok, because I was inspired to write it from watching a bunch of kids doing "Capoeira," a martial art from South America.

Mystique is two things really: a homage to a great Jeff Beck track from his "guitar shop" album, called "Behind the Veil," and a song form called the "minor blues," which I like to go back to every now and then.

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