Monday, April 8, 2013

Halfway Home!

Finally finished the Streets of Rage inspired track, called, quite creatively, "Streets" :-)

After a bit of a snag in mid-March (basically just got really busy with work), I feel like I'm picking up steam! Which is a good thing, because I'm probably going to be moving soon (and, for once, in the SAME TOWN)*, which will certainly keep me from creative duties for at least a week at the end of the month.

From previous posts, you know I had an attempt at the Streets thing go bad, but only in the sense that the style wasn't evoking Streets of Rage. The composition itself is fine, so I'll finish that out. Strangely, I think it sounds like a character select tune, which isn't a bad thing. Character select/menu musics have to be comforting, pleasantly accompanying your task while not being intrusive. This, in a way, is what I shoot for with the music I write: I definitely want to entertain you, cause you to tap your feet/fingers, but I don't want to be super intrusive either. It is hard to explain, but certain music can be engaging and great listening music but not really the kind of music you jam to while you work, or drive your car.

*Again, SAME TOWN, so in case anyone snoops looking for gossipy dirt and all that.**
**When you work in my field, you find people have an odd interest in your comings and goings.